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Showing posts from April, 2007

Not Enough Sleep

Wyatt is so cute you have to see him to really understand. I think this is the case for everyone's kid, the cutter they get, the more you want to prove to someone. Then you have the morning of April 17th. (which just happens to be last day to file your taxes) Wyatt woke up around 4 am. This happens to be about 30 min's after I went to sleep. Wyatt woke up screaming. And screaming and screaming and screaming. I was to the point of just sending him to the ER so I wouldn't have to listen to his screaming any more. This is where my wonderful wife comes in. Oh yes, she is wonderful, so wonderful I'm not really sure how she does it. She was holding him the entire time he was screaming. I on the other had was trying my hardest not to yell at him for I knew this would do no good. Around 7 am he was better, sort of. How was he better you may ask? Well, I fell asleep finally. So if nothing else, he was not keeping me up. The odd thing about this morning, for the rest of the day h