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Showing posts from March, 2021


The Oxymoron Poem

Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, cross-eyed mosquitoes, and bow-legged ants, I come before you to sit behind you and tell you a story I know nothing about. Admission is free, so pay at the door, pull out a chair, and sit on the floor One sunny day in the middle of the night, two dead boys arose to fight. Back-to-back, they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A mute man shrieked at the fright, and a lame man danced at the ghastly sight. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came to kill the two dead boys. If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, for he saw it too.

Here I Am... Right?

I am always amazed how fast time goes by. March 2021. A year with Covid-19. I must fix this.  I am fighting with myself each and every day. Bad days, I sleep 12+ hours and barely move. Good days, I shower.  Some days I can't figure out how to step outside and most days stay in. Why deal with anything? My memory is my safety. I forget anything I don't want to remember. Bad news? Bad day? No big deal, I'll forget that day in a few hours.  I am alive.